365 days

Two months and 6 days since we last saw each other. Two months and 16 days since we hug for the last time.

Besides all the suffering...

today I am HAPPY. 
today I am GRATEFUL.

365 days ago the Lord decided it was time for us to encounter.
May 25th 2019, the evening that our lives changed for ever.

I didn't know at that moment.
You certainly did.

So today I am grateful to God for the tremendous blessing He has given me to put you in my life. He has the missing piece under his arm. He waited for the perfect moment to give it to me. Not earlier, not later. He knew best. He knows best. He is the only one who knows.
And I am grateful to you, mi amor, for saying YES to Him. Yes to that trip to Barcelona. Yes to assist to that Eucharist. Yes to asking me out for a (no-)date. Yes to be patient with me. Yes to ask me to be your girlfriend.

He created us. Perfectly imperfect as we are. Perfect for each other.
He thought of bringing us together a long time ago. When we were babies with barriguita.
He decided when and how.
He did it all.

My heart is full of happiness and joy. (It might explode indeed)
My butterflies keep flying as the very first day. (I am waiting for you to eat them)
My smile is bigger and bigger every day. (I will need a lips and cheeks replacement soon)

Let us wait in Him patiently with joy, peace and faith.

For a hundred billion more 365 days to come, mi amor.

Saying Yes every day to Him. 
With an open heart.

Because He is always good.

May 26, 2019. London


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