A new chapter (and butterflies)

More than 3 months later and today we are going to see each other.

What a gift from God!

He is teaching us so many things... 

This is a new chapter in our love story. It might not be perfect from our perspective, but indeed it IS perfect for us.

Because He is writing it. 

We just need to say Yes to His will, even if we do not understand it or we would do it differently.

In this chapter we are going to give ourselves to God in every aspect.
It is an opportunity to look at each others eyes and see beyond what we have in front of us. 
To seek Him. 
To recognise that He is the architect of our love story (as you told me yesterday)

I am praying for His grace.
I am praying for the Holy Spirit who is the only one that can make this work.
I am praying for a grateful heart.
I am praying for a joyful heart.
I am praying for a patience heart.

I want to look back in time and see all the amazing graces and beautiful gifts God has given us during this season of our life.
I want to look back and say "I knew He was going to make it possible".
I want to look back and be amazed by everything He is going to do.

Let's continue to listen to what He wants to tell us every day. In every situation. 

He lives within us. 
He is alive.

  • Trust
  • Patience
  • Gratefulness

My butterflies are back. Although this time you can't eat them, they are all for you.


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